The founder and creative

behind ByJoshJames.

My infatuation with home started early on, elementary school days. I remember my mom coming home from work many evenings and asking me, “Why can’t you leave it the way it was?” referring to the new living room layout. My response (with new language spun in) was that I was bored with it; it no longer sparks joy, so naturally, I re-arranged. My mom would also often ask, “Why does it look like nobody lives here?” My response, the papers are in the drawers.

I firmly believe that if it doesn’t make you say, “I love it!” then why have it? Your home should spark something inside of you that makes you want to spend time there. It would be best if you craved your home.

I started ByJoshJames in 2017 while living in Chicago. The name comes from fusing my first and middle names, Josh + James. Since then, I have evolved as an individual and identified as Joshua. But the title still sticks. I imagine growing my brand to be a household name. Not because I want fame but because I want everyone to have the accessibility to create a space that sparks joy!

Thank you for being on this journey with me. I look forward to laughing, smiling, crying, and celebrating with you.

I genuinely appreciate your support!

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